Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Shortlisted for Free Wee Library competition!

Lovely bookmark competition. Sadly my poem didn't make the top of the pile but it's a great thing they do, must send them books for the library.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Women's Networks being shut down...

Our overlords -in their duty to their bank buddies- have announced they are pulling the funding from all the Women's Networks in the country. The amount they will be "saving" is a pittance. A total of 1.3 million. Nationally. In Roscommon, the RWN in Castlerea runs a busy office and centre, a training/education centre, a thriving charity shop, and loads of courses, MABS, services, etc etc, on an annual budget of 67,000 euro.
That's being taken away. The numbers don't add up.
Please come and show your support, at the RWN in Castlerea, next Monday 23rd June 2pm.
Or find out more about your local Women's Network.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

New booklet coming soon!

It's in the air, my new chapbook - A Skyful Of Kites- will be ready for lift off in time for the next Hermit Collective outing, July 4th, Charlestown Arts Centre... meanwhile last years book -Hellsteeth- has almost sold out! only 6 copies left, which I suppose are available for reviewers etc, or the very quick.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Poem boiling inside me...


Medical experiments on children
were a societal problem.

The number of babies actually found in a mass grave
has been exaggerated.

Rape of children and other vulnerables
                -  in our care -
was only the work of a few bad apples.

God knows how fanatically we love children
before they’re born.

Then when all the unplanned impossible births
come to us for sanctuary

We make something out of them.
We make money or make them work.

Some of those babies made a good price abroad
and the country was never short of clean sheets.

Look on it as a national cash crop
that we let the women water with tears.

It’s abortionists that are the real criminals
for taking the food out of our mouths.