Friday, 31 May 2013

Hellsteeth successfully launched!

Thanks to everyone who came to the launch and open-mic on wednesday, it was great fun, and loads of people got up to read their poems and stories, which were really enjoyable. My mum, stepdad, and daughter were there doing their bit which was great! David on the camera, so here's a few of the photos from the night.. and thanks again.

launch of Hellsteeth



Ashling / AKA my middle child!







Fionnuala / AKA mum!


Hubert and Micheal

Huberts Woofers

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Hellsteeth... and other poems..

My chapbook, Hellsteeth, is getting a mini launch on the 29th of May. I'll do a bit of a read, then it's open to the floor, in an open-mic type atmosphere although without an actual mic.!
If you're in the area and would like to join in, or just come and listen to local writers, please do -
It's in the Roscommon Womens Network, Castlerea, Co Roscommon, from 7.30pm -
and if not, watch this space and the booklet will be available to buy soon...